Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Save Bukit Kiara

Many of you who are regulars walking/cycling up Bukit Kiara would have noticed major fencing work on the hill. The way these fences have been put up, has disturbed in one way or another – the flora and fauna of Bukit Kiara.
Friends of Bukit Kiara (FoBK) has been working tirelessly in the last few weeks to highlight these latest activities at Bukit Kiara to the media, NGOs and various communities.
They have also held dialogue sessions with JLN and other Government departments involved.
However, so much more needs to be done as FoBK is only run by a few volunteers.
FoBK need everybody’s support to preserve and prevent further damage to Bukit Kiara.
Please take sometime to read and view the following blog and video for more information.
Those interested to get more involved with this cause may contact the following people:
Dr. Pola Singh –
Mdm. Chui Lim –
An event to highlight this cause to Save Bukit Kiara is currently being planned for the 8th of July.
Please visit   for more updates

Get up to date on the recent activities and destruction of Bukit Kiara here:

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