Saturday, July 5, 2008

Are We Heading For A Recession?

Slump, Downturn, Decline, Depression, Collapse. These words describe our Malaysian economy at the moment. Are there any signs of better things to come? In my opinion, not in the near future. The 10-Year downturn Market cycle seems to be happening as economist predicted time and time again. If you're holding Malaysian Equity at the moment, I'd advise a complete sell out. Otherwise, you'll just be like a salmon swimming against the current. Afterall, there are always other instruments to invest in global markets worldwide.

Just my 2 cents,
Fund manager in-training.


Anonymous said...

Any suggestions on what other instruments would be good investments or will this be revealed in the upcoming articles?

BH Lee said...

Personally, I would fancy instruments that invest in european markets. One interesting area to explore are ETF's and CFD's. There are many companys that provide options to invest online. I would recommend to stay out of M'sian Equity for the time least until the dust settles. - Hope this helps -