I read in The Edge today that Petronas is the most Profitable company in Asia. In the recent debate over the Fuel price increase to RM2.70, the question posed to Anwar by one of the panelist was "Why he chose to critic the government through this avenue?". The answer, obviously, is because it is a big bucks industry and money talks. He's trying to make the Rakyat see that the Government has made too much money at the expense of the people.
I have officially postphoned my plan to install the NGV kit on my car on rumours that there will be an increase in Gas Price too. Who will benifit from this exercise? NGV kit installers who had so many customers lining up in the recent weeks? Maybe a 41.5% shareholder of Gas Malaysia is going to get a windfall by the millions. MMCCORP on bursamalaysia.
Futsal Friendly Match 23 July 2019
5 years ago